Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Random Post on something i thought was extremely thoughtful

I made a list of items I needed to get at the market yesterday. I got home from a long day at work and running. So I started cleaning and got tired. Joey came over to watch the game and I pretty much fell asleep early. Soi wake up in the morning to go to work…and I get an email from Joey:
Hi love, I'm kind of falling asleep from looking through a bunch of images for Speed hunters so there’s a chance I might take a nap before I wake you up to go to work. I love you with all my heart. I know you were really tired so I went and bought your groceries that you had on your list on the counter. I didn't get the trash can or the salad Tupperware but I took care of everything else for you. I hope you like what I got. I'm just trying to help make your day better when you're too tired to get stuff like that done. I miss you lots. I'm going to lay down for a bit and then wake you up to go to work. Have a great day today. I also left $20 on the counter so that you could get food or whatever else you need since you don't have your debit card anymore. Aright, love to you soon..

I am extremely thankful to have such a thoughtful man in my life.

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